I have always desired to live a joyful and adventurous life. So far I think I have been successful in experiencing that - thankfully!
I will tell ya, I have surely gotten really good at improvising and creating out of nothing. I actually really really enjoy this!
It turns on a lot of curiosity, play and problem solving for me.

On the other end of that joyful and adventurous lifestyle is creating the financial stability to create those joyful and adventurous opportunities.
Lately, its just been quick random morning or mid day adventures I can enjoy before my daughter is out of school.
I'm not complaining, I will take what I am able to get at the moment.
(I do desire more, but I know that requires a new direction and more creativity on my end. I will get there, I know it.)

Lately, I needed to face the source of my unhappiness: 

1. Allowing myself to be distracted by people or situations that do not truly value my energy or see my value.

2. Overworking and dedicating my focus to things that don't matter.

I am really working on releasing these invisible forces and restrictions that tell me I am not doing enough for my business, for my family, for any responsibilities I am tied to.

Its so easy to get sucked into "GO MODE" & building mode.
Why? Because its feels like the responsible thing to do. It felt like that is where people most recognized my strengths and abilities.

But that consistent go, go, go and build mode is just not correct for my design!
I could feel some invisible external pressures of others leaning on and depending on me to be successful in their definition.
Its so weird to me now, how could I achieve what and how others want me to when, when they had never experienced my path and journey for themselves?
How could they tell me I need to put in more hours to be "successful"?
Truly a situation of the blind leading the blind.
So, now i choose to give myself the permission to DO THINGS MY OWN WAY.

Its scary to because i do fear being misunderstood and repelling people in my life right now or losing more of my followers. However, thats an indicator i must accept as space being made for the correct people and communities to come into my world so the party can really begin!

I am learning to trust that I am creating a new world for myself - consisting of people who truly see me, my strengths, and also KNOW I need the time to unplug in order to let the creative energy build. Allowing me to come back stronger with vision and direction to achieve what we set our hearts on!